Sighted Kbizzzz (split)

:rofl:rofl:rofl someones mad.

DYING over here! :rofl :rofl

oh shit your workin on his car and he threw you out like that? set all his piston ring gaps to .0060 he will know why :lol

Already built the engine to late

I didn’t post any of those pictures. Kthanksbyeeeeeeeee

See what you guys did! This is why we can’t have nice things!

Oh stop.

He’s a big teddy bear

Your stilll ratttyyyyy

Hahahah true is hard to have miami swag.

And another thing you didn’t know about me… I lost my father. So maybe you should know someone berfore you go talking about their family.

Old pups vs OG Brutes vs OG Rats. ITT

Motion to move to epic.

Motion denied. Thread lacks epicness that others have.


idk, its pretty epic lol

100% doesn’t change my opinion about you. You can try to make me feel guilty and shit but its not gonna happen. I still think your a wannabe car slut who loves getting her pictures thrown around. Its cool though, if you wanna be a slam pig, you are more than welcome here.


If this thread contained legit nudes, sisterfucker, or another Travis fail, then it would be epic. Currently has none of those.

ok more goading of sweatynready for noods. :lol