Sighted Kbizzzz (split)

:rofl omg… fap fap fap fap fap… FAP FAP … ahhhhh

what the fuck are you guys doing in here. Did everyone cut their nuts off before they posted??? Jesus Christ. :facepalm :facepalm

You guys are crazy. And you can think what you want, like I said before. I’m not gonna let any of this upset me becaue most of you mean nothing to me. Idk how this turned into what it is but I really don’t care. Have fun making fun of or whatever you’re trying to do. I know who I am and that’s all I really give a fuck about. Hatersgonna hate right? That’s what all you guys say.

Ironic isn’t it? And all that shit I got about sticking to my guns for the sake of my beliefs? Some of you guys are probably in the same boat as me :rofl. Hilarious if you ask me.


motion to ban cossey

Thread is lacking pics…here is the vag of the chick that I’ve been banging

I dunno if you noticed, but these dudes are clearly fucking RETARDED.

Rats gonna rat

Motion granted.

+1. It’s amazing to see how all these dudes act when you throw a vagina into the mix. Reminds me of Finding Nemo w/ the scene where all the seagulls or w/e animal were like “MINE! MINE! MINE!”

Now it has to be epic!

Never a good sign when the vag looks like descending into a shadowy howe caverns.

Do you and ill do me cuz you’re a joke.

that thing needs some keegals… :wow

Listen, everyone.

Carry on.


This thread has some winning posts.

now urmad… calm down…


This is what happens when you let women out of the damn kitchen… they go posting dumb shit leading the entire shiftboyz on…