Sign here to prevent Rabbit from ruining his car.

Well as some of you may know that rabbit drives a Nissan Skyline GTS 4 and I was shocked to find out he plans to make it look like the hellow kitty car. Now I am going to start a petition to make sure that this never happens and the skyline gets to hold onto its dignity which is more then I can say for Rabbit so sign bellow if you dont want rabbits car to look like the hello kitty car.

  1. GTR


HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA i have to see that shit man… will be ****in jokes!!

ill never talk to him or admit i know him but would be funny to see… DO IT!!!

lol im all for it…especially that hello kitty exhaust tip he showed me


Sign the petition If i get enough signitures I can repo his car and save it before he buys this

HAAAAAAAAAAHAHA thats sooo pimp!!! OMFG !! im dying here… thats so jokes… make sure u get baby blue with a white hellp kitty and a pink bowtie LOL!!! shit look sick

if people dont know this is RABBIT… we all know hes abit weird but i think the car will suit him alot…


but man you cant do that to a skyline its a sin!! just buy a ford fiesta or somthing…

i s2 hello kitty…do it rabbit

Please nooooo

2. MikeP

yeah do it up… put it in a car show and lets see what the Japanese would think…:smiley: the GTS 4 Hello kitty Mobile…

“UNIQUE” LMFAO!!!:smiley:

oh yeah, lovin the kitty exhaust tip by the way…:smiley:

2. MikeP
3. zep

you have to be very comfortable with your sexuality to paint pink accents on your car in a hello kitty theme. Rabbit, i saw your skyline at JI a while ago, its nice, as long as you leave it the same body colour and dont pull any pimp-my-ride rim painting BS, it should come out good. dont go crazy with the pink, just some door panel inserts, maybe a pink pinstripe on the sides…

BTW, where the f*ck have u been?

i kinda wanna see how this turns out, not that im a fan of hello kitty or anything id just think it be funny to see a grown man drive around in a pink hello kitty car. who knows maybe it will turn out freaking awsome.

id say do it, would be one of a kind thats for sure.

hahaha that looks like this chick i went to highschool with… just in that pic its a dude hahahaha

GAH!!! my eyes… “NOT at the hellokitty” that guy/girls loks weird :C

Edit: almost forgot… that hello kitty is GANSTER!!! lmao!

lol that would be a hilarious sight, and imagine all the girls it would draw :smiley: not that they would be impressed, more amused than anything hahaha

I think it’s a wicked idea.
RABBIT would get attention of all the girls. The point is always to stand out, not that he already doesn’t stand out with a friggin Skyline tearing up the streets.


Hey, his horizons would be GREATLY expanded, and now include the 6-7 year olds!


Hello Kitty FTL:S

Come on man…Man it up:R

petition to make sure rabbit follows through with the hello kitty:

  1. kevburgler

petition to make sure rabbit follows through with the hello kitty:

  1. kevburgler
  2. DJPyro
  3. pcproa - a.k.a POPCORN