
I’m still thinking of what to do for yours, I’ve been trying some new techniques so we’ll see what comes out of it…

I erased more of the background that was covering the car, and changed the car back to orange instead of the same colors as the background, but I can always change more if you want… but yes the new picture is in the old post, I just saved it under the same name and reloaded to Photobucket.

For smithsteg and Adam, I’ll try to get yours done tomorrow unless I actually have work to do at work for once.

No hurry, something with this pic would be nice, but anything will be cool I’m sure.

can you make me a sig with the existing mr2 and wruite The General


Like that Pete? Or you want it fancy?


I did this kinda quick before lunch, so I’m sorry if it sucks. Let me know and I’ll change it up.

Wow Nicole you have some mad good photoshop skillz… You have anything left for a Nissan guy? I made my current sig in GIMP but I don’t really know how to use it.

Folder of pics


not too shabby. if you could make it in like squiggly letters and neon green it would be s1ck.

you should have it say …“im the porschemaster” in your sig pic coming out of his mouth

good idea silent!

If it’s too much pink let me know, I can change it to some other color, I just thought it was a good contrast against the bright blue…

Don’t you have work to do, must be nice to get paid to photoshop all day at work :nono

still waiting

ewww… rainbows :gay :lol

They’re not rainbows, they’re colored stripes!

You’re gonna keep waiting until I can make a decent sig pic with the pictures you gave me.


I like it. So there. :angry2

So how do you get the picture to show in your sig? Im not very computer freindly

Just use the image tabs like this:


You can copy/paste that, just take out the *'s