
I forgot to ask if you still wanted it to say “Click Me” on it or not…
If you do just let me know, easy addition. :nod
I hope you like it!

it said click me cuz it was a link.

Right… and if he still wants it to be a link, it would make sense for the picture to say “Click Me” or who would know?

Kramer, did you mean something like this? Or is there something you want that I’m not getting?

Nicole we need one of me nut tapping hatfield

please dont hate me but i dont think i like it can you try again please. thanks

:+1 :kicklow :crackup

Needs a big rainbow somewhere.
Or a unicorn in the back.

:+1…so does Chuck’s

Your’s needs a pic of McLovin

He’s still mad cause his wheel spacers make his car shake. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I almost forgot to thank you Nicole, it looks great. All the haters can :stfu

Looks good Nicole, Yeah please add Click Me in the lower right corner. And if you could use a font or color that’s a little easier to read it would be perfect. Thanks!

PS- I might have to get some slidewayz pictures! ;D

thats actually pretty sweet, but ditch the “24stx” part and make the JDM star-effect thing a little less drastic, if you can. thanks! ;D

So many complainers :wtf

she’s the one who put herself out there to make the sigs ;D

Yeah dude, I don’t care if people don’t like what I make for them. It’s hard to make something for someone you don’t know especially.
I can fix the “JDM” star, if that’s what you wanna call it. :lol
No biggie at all, just turn down the opacity.
And the font change and adding words is no problem either.
I’m not offended if someone doesn’t like theirs or wants me to change something.

  • Nicole

:lol I called it that because it reminded me of this:

Honestly though, turn down the opacity or whatever you’ve gotta do an delete the 24 stx and you’ve got one happy sig customer ;D

You’re the one who asked for the 24 STX.

I knew that … ::slight_smile: :lol

I changed my mind ;D