Wow. I saw the car tonight at the lot and it looks real good. I absolutely love the color. deff paid off having patients and driving the car 8 diff colors for a few months cause it looks awesome now :thumb
Looks great man!! get those black wheel back on it!! lol
Stock si wheels ftw
pics silent!!! i wasnt at the lot…
then you should have been at the lot then buddie… and thanks every one its was definitely worth the wait …
pics will be up after i get out of work tomorrow :giggedy
OK OK here’s some of the cars last week with the exterior done …I’ll put up better complete pics later
happy now swift …ok bed time
not really… those are teasers.
i love white! wheres the finished pics all cleaned up?!?! she looks sick!
the batteries in my camera are dead right now so I’ll take some tomarrow and put some up …and tomarrow I’ll have my grill and lip on so I’ll look better
championship white ftw!!!
damn it steve its about time! I wanna see that thing cruisin, got it?!?! lol
but seriously, nice job on the car, love the motor, the paint looks awsome, cant wait to see it in person.
Oj you just saw it tonight at jason’s batchlor party lol
yea well, so im a lil slow. lol
she looks real good in person, nice color choice silent :nod
thx buddie :giggedy
Looks great… that is championship white right?
yup champ white
my favorite white :lol
yaa defiantly one of the better shades o white
:thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb