silveradoman thinks he is funny

Where the fuck is barry

Guy in ad is dead sexxy, need to show more tit though for a ad like that.

seriously man…i mean i took the last 2 things you posted with a grain of salt…bit my lipi and didnt say anything…of course when i retailiate somebodys gotta get the popo involved

some one needs to be that old guy who only buys units for aniques

i am sexy , he is just pissed cause i bust his stonees on a local website . that fuckin scum post,s my shit on a site fulllll of fuckin homo,s and minorities " see vlad , no racial or antigay sayings " so that they all wanna fuck my sweet ass . then wonders why he is hated so badly

Hahahahah Ur gonna be a fucking local
Celebrity on lark street.

no po-9 is gonna be involved . i called him to verify it was u , he wanted to get u by doing me a favour and i said ill handle , as i will

He posted a link to your ad here and I dont know what the other post was. Posts that only members here will see.

He didnt post your pic in the homo section of CL for every homo looking for some dick to see.

jokes are one thing , but im not being gay or even come close to it

deleted brotato

I think its time for people to put shit in the back of radomans truck

This is where racing snowmobiles on dry land gets you

you mean barry…:ninja


Andddd storage wars isnt cool now



What a boner

corE took down his avatar :rofl:rofl:rofl
