simpsons white stripes.

i love this. wish i saw that episode.

lol thats pretty funny

lol pretty good. i need to watch that episode

ya i wish i caught that episode, my gf showed me that video awhile ago.

so its fairly new but not last weeks new episode.

was good… just dont know how people watch that shit anymore ive seen it since i was like 2. hehe i just watch south park and family guy

ive left teh yellow behind and moved on to paper mashe and a fat guy with a gay baby

haha ya i like south park and family guy just as much, but this vid of white stripes is awsome. been watching simpsons for along time too im sure alot of us have been but i like the episodes when music bands are in them and then turn the songs into a simpsons music vid as they usually turn out good.

I get cEnZoRzoWNeD with the internet @school.

/my life sucks