Since 'everyone' knows... The new car..

or gambling:rofl

Travis sometimes has good intentions and just likes to bust balls. He just tends to take things too far, like with eye comments and such.

cossey knows i was only bustin his chops… im jealous of him getting the new car. sadly enough if it werent for bosh & laumb’s fuck up and the loss of use of his eye he wouldnt have the car… it truly does suck that that had to happen to him… im sure if it came down to him having full use of his eyes again or this car he’d take the sight hands down. im damn positive i would.

the fire jokes are old. i honestly dont give a fuck about that anymore. it was 4 months ago people… get new material. it doesnt phase me in the least, so please keep them comming.

Not true. I put everything I have on red.

What the fuck???

Good call ignoring that comment, Cossey.

fire red:D

apparently it does

Not exactly true cuz I had to drop out of college because of everything. If I had stayed in school and worked my ass off, I could’ve had the car still.

I would much rather have my vision, but I have have to make due with what I have right now.

how do you figure? im not upset about them… nor do i care that you say them… so please, like i said previously… keep them comming. or dont. i dont care. im perfectly content with my money in the bank right now, my JOB, and my living arrangements. i couldnt care less what any of you on a car forum think of me. so i will continue to contribute my thoughts and experiences and you can take from it whatever you’d like good sir…

hey man, more power to you. and like i said before… congrats on the car.

ya got a job???

make due id give my balls for that car:O

anyone ever have a car catch fire besides him? obviously not cuz that shit aint fun. ive definately come close to burning up many times… shit happens.

Nice car bud. You have very good taste

esp wit open d/p and a gas leak :retardclap:retardclap:retardclap

Looks sick dude! Welcome to VAG. Hows the lens?

or when the fuel line decides to explode onto the turbo:up

Thanks man, and the lens is good. It’s taken 4 pics so far, of nothing lol.

wasnt a fuel line…it had to be a power steering line… it was a slow burn til rubber hoses caught fire…and then led to the fuel lines on top of the motor… plenty of time to bail out. i coulda pissed on it to put it out at first…if i had to pee… things were just working against me that night.

Now you can take pics