Since 'everyone' knows... The new car..

Bottom line is this. Cossey, the cars about the best choice for you…but now you need to use it. I feel the only rightful solution is to grab some tang. Now, that said, I am positive the ride will help you, if no such luck comes your way, invite Turbo Travis out for a night and hes sure to assist in landing some for you. I would go, but she will only have one ass, and I dont want to throw down with Travis fighting for it, so i will be the bigger man and let him have it.

Either that, or I am sure the car is hot enough to fuk all its own. Perhaps you ordered the RUF “pusspipe” exhaust tip?

On a more serious note, most of us normal folks here just wanna see some mad clutch dumps and outward abuse of the car. Too many owners baby their shit. We want to see that bitch sideways…in Kohls… :wink:

holy fuck…absolutely amazing car.

how the hell did you afford that??

edit: nevermind…saw you had a incident…I didnt know. Sorry to hear./

Very carefuly

I’ll see what I can do. Although I didn’t buy the car to get pussy, I’m sure it’ll come with the territory. I don’t know about clutch dumps and abuse… Labor’s expensive on these things lol.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl One track mind lately, eh?

Somewhat of a combination of all 3. :ponder

Congrats Coss, unlike everybody else here you know where I stand on rides in it.

you and I dont pay enough attention. READ…lol, like I did.

Bosch and lamb fucked his eye up, settlement…

Bam, motha fuckin porche

whats “Bosch and lamb??”

Cossey, you did buy it for pussy. Just keep telling yourself that and pussy will show upon your door. As far as abuse, buy a warranty.

BTW, find a word that rhymes with pussy…seriously…name one…other than “cossey”. Your meant for landing it.

Dammit, you better not spit shine this thing come mid summer. Cars are inanimate… these cars want to be smacked around. They like it.

Google/wiki it. Bausch and Lomb.

a company that makes contact cleaning solution…

hahaha he said grabbing tang… oh and trav i was sayin my fuel line popped off one time which is why im sayin i got lucky…

someone sell this man a clue.

oh… i misunderstood. my apologies.

Buy a warranty from who?
And the 2nd part I do not comprehend.
3rd part, I wanna keep it in as best shape as possible and keep it clean. That doesn’t mean I won’t drive it like it’s meant to be. That is of course after the Porsche Driving Experience lol.

Fixed. Muuuch better.

so whats the specs on this thing??

we’ll see about that broski.

as i told you before, i am really happy for you dude, you deserve it.

haha, thanks, im a dumb ass and need to sleep

google “porsche warranty”

then google “landing pussy”

then google “beat that shit”

Hey man, you deserve it. Treat it how you should. Congrats and great choice.

Oh, and no JClarks.