Sister Busted for meeting a guy on MySpace

No, you don’t.

And when did my car stop running?
Had the fag mobile out two nights ago, shit ran strong!
and again, You go from telling me I drive a miata to I don’t drive a miata?:gotme:

I will also add, Sweet Cutlass :hitit:

Anyone this dumb should not be allowed near children…

You must not pay much attention.
Everything I’ve sold recently All went in my pocket, and the money to buy it came from soemwhere?
Yes it is a nice cutlass tho I don’t think it has enough rust for what I was going for.
Atleast its not a miata.

Selling shit you own so you have money = poor.
This is like communicating with a 14 yr old high school girl, your logic blows.

I had money before I sold the car.
If you fallowed anything you would know, I grabbed the third gen pos to put a SBC in, because I couldnt find a decent gbody.
Then I found a gbody so i abandoned on the camaro.
So should I Like lay a couple thousand on the table and write Miatas are a faggot car on a piece of paper, and take a picture for you.
You know because you so intrested in the money I have.:deadhorse:

You don’t hear storys about Real men and thier proud miatas, thats for sure.
Does it have leather? does your boyfriend complain about sticking to the seats?:sario:
this is like communicating with someone from San fransico, you car selection sucks.

I will deal with u when I get home hunny

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Snap

IDB lol

fallowed / intrested / storys / fransico

Ugh…Moving on.

Real men and miatas, huh?
The only good thing about your post was you managed to spell communicating correctly.
You are dumb and poor and that opinion isn’t just formed on your shitty spelling and grammar and inability communicate.
Not to mention, you think driving a Gbody makes you a “real man”?
Let me know when you are able you support yourself then we will talk about being a “real man”.

Realistically, I could care less about how poor you are, your stupidity is really what bugs me.
I shudder at the thought that one day you may reproduce and at the fact that you operate a vehicle on a daily basis.
Our world is a more dangerous place because you exist, and not in a good way.
Dangerous in a, I see you doing something stupid and harming someone useful way.
I could continue but I am wasting my time. I am sure you will just imply I am gay again when you attempt to insult me.
Good luck remembering to breathe.

but luckily you eventually found a creampuff, lol

ROFLMAO is that his car? Seriously? And he’s picking on Minglor for an iconic car of the early 90’s?

hahaha she does look preggers… looks like she doesn’t like it in da butt

not once during the video does she complain or react in a way of indecating she doesn’t like it in the butt against the idea of her getting gang banged.

i bet she got railed at the dudes friends house.

tgdn beat me to the what what in the butt

I actually have a perfect driving record, not to mention I raced ransomville lancaster and holland speedway, driving up into the top 5 more then once.
I have no problem behind the wheel, and I openly FAIL at spelling horribly.

Yeah thats how it was when I bought it. Not how it will look when Its finished.

Grammar too!


in the butt lol

Dudebro, it’s going to rule!