Brother-Sister cockblock combo move...

Thought this was pretty funny a couple nights ago…and while i was to an extent being cockblocked, i didn’t mind…because it was the best move i’ve ever seen anybody pull…i wanted to shake the man’s hand.

I meet some old friends out for a few drinks after the square…and my friends leave all but one girl that was pretty cool and neither of us wanted to go home yet, so we’re just hanging out talking having drinks etc…

Next thing i know some visibly drunk guy in his mid 20’s comes over and starts shooting the shit with us…and within a minute, another blonde girl comes over, grabs me by the arm, and drags me away from the girl i was with asking me to dance, trying to make small talk, blah blah blah…i had none of it since she wasn’t good looking at all. She was the other dude’s sister…and he was using her to get me away from the girl i was with.

so in short…the dude whored off his sister to me so he could try to eliminate possible competition. fucking classic. makes me want to start bringing my sisters out with me and just pointing to random hot girls, and telling them “go get rid of those guys with the girl”

i ended up calling the BS right away though…and told the blonde “i know your brother is putting you up to this…nice work kiddo.”

i walked away from her, texted the other girl i was with letting her know what was going down, or at least being attempted. She was just as amused as i was…and then WE left…without captain cockblock or his sister, lol.

Dam. Thats one for the record books.

if she had been good looking it would have worked. :stuck_out_tongue:

Should have banged both of them and then laughed at the brother.

lol, fuckin priceless.


yea i would have fucked the sister in spite of the d-bag brother and then proceeded to fuck the chick you were talking to… andy: 2 d-bag: 0

Should have slept with the brother…errr wait nm…

yes if the sis was hot shoulda went to town right in front of the d bag

the sister wasn’t hot…otherwise i would have accepted the trade offer.

A legendary cockblock would be, “I heard she slept with the russian”

