Haha, what a night. High school sluts/puking/fights *NO PICS*

So my little brother decided he wanted to have a party. His idea of a party is his friends sitting around the living room sipping on beer. So since I didnt have shit to do, i figured I’d kick it up a notch for him (and try to increase everyones chances of getting laid, because he actually had girls show up). Picked up a couple handles, a 30 pack, set up the table for beer pong, got the beer bong out, got a poker game set up.l… blah blah blah.

Anywho, this one girl and I hit it off. theres definately something goin on. Cue the idiot drunken ex-boyfriend. He wont leave her the fuck alone, and she isnt having any of his advances. So i fill us both up bigass shots of vodka. Except mine is actually water. An hour later he is passed out in the main bathroom. Unfortunately, by this time the object of my affections is too drunk to be worth trying to court. Anywho, then the stupid drunk bitches decide to leave and are way too drunk to drive. I told them to stay fucking put, and my idiot brother (who I was already pissed at because he was trying to cockblock me all night) declares to everyone that they are fine to drive. The ONLY thing I asked of him was to make sure that no one was driving. He promised that he would make sure to take care of it, and I wouldnt even have to say a word about it. Now he’s encouraging them to leave. So it ends up in a fistfight between me and him. I kick his ass, he goes to his room and now he wont talk to me. boo fucking hoo. Now my head is pounding, and I just found out i have to work during the Steeler game. Im not a happy camper. :crying:

Cliffs: Tried to fuck high school girls, it was working good, then got cockblocked by the ex. Then drunken sluts try to leave when far too drunk to be driving. My brother encourages them. I kick his ass.

18 and over chicks>jail!!!

actually they were 18. But I wouldnt have cared if they werent.

16 before june 19 2004 ok with me

Whether he’s mad at you or not, you still did the right thing, so +1 for you.

tru… drinking and driving puts you in the news and a few feet underground when you are in highschool

dude you are like the hue heffner of underagers and celebrities. :finger:

In the end its all worthless with out pictures. :smiley:

too bad about the cock block. Thats always a bummer. But fuck whoever’s mad at you NOW. Because they’ll thank you later. Not to mention they’ll BE ABLE to thank you.

but pics woukld be nice!!:steelers::steelers:

Damn, I’m seriously LMAO at you Mike. So where was the gf during all this? Or did you send her ass packing that I didn’t know 'bout? But anyway… funny shit and good call on not letting the drunken whhhhoooorrrreeeeessss drive.



girlfriend was at work. She doesnt care if I mess around with other girls. I was hitting a nice little Russian chick all summer. :cool:

they might be coming over again tonight, but maybe not, because I think that i told them to get the fuck out of my house and never come back when they were on their way out the door. :hs: If they do, ill get pics.

good job :tool:

How convinient…lol

ahaha nice call on the water shot mike!!

stupid ass high school peeps

i was drunk and pissed. :dunno:

yeah, he came back over the next day and was like “you are a crazy motherfucker! i was like so fucked up and you werent even drunk at all. You can really handle your liquor”
