does your night compare?

okay so im visiting my sister in the city, and i met a girl out friday night. we danced a bunch hit it off, made out a bit… nothing to crazy. Shes all pierced up and a few tattoo’s… short skinny and very sexy (for visual purposes)… so that night i gave her my number thinking nothing would ever come out of it, but i figured whatever shes hammered, who knows if she will even remember. so the next day (yesterday) i get a text saying “omg last night was so much fun, you looked really good… txt me later if you want to come out”… so im thinking fuck yeah this is going to be rad, the girl was sexy as fuck. so we text back and forth but i didnt want to be to forward. later on that day i said something like um im probably just going to follow my sister out because then i know i can get in places… shes sends me back… "well if thats what you want then fine… but soon as i excite you with my plans you’ll want to change your mind’… of course i said something super corny back saying well then fucking excite me or something ha. okay the day goes on i dont hear anything till like 11pm, when im already out with my sisters friends. she says come met her at a hotel/sushi place/cabana thing. so i took a cab over right away. she got me in and we hit it off well. i asked her if she had a BOYFRIEND and she said NO… they broke up a while ago and she has an apartment with a friend. so we go to some other night club where her friends have a table… which is an 800$ table because it includes free bottles of skyy vodka all night. so i got shit faced as does she and then things start to get good. were kinda getting to it at the back table, when she says come back to my apartment my ROOMATE isn’t home. so this is all true from here on out okay.

we get to her apartment and she shows me around a little bit… then we walk into her room and get naked and start fucking around on the bed … (whatever happens) then shes showing me her piercing’S below the belt. she had three… so she pulls out this box of metal jewelry and is changing them in front of me saying the craziest shit… all of a SUDDEN we hear someone come into the apartment, shes like OMG be quite.

her door gets kicked open… (granted were both naked) its her BOYFRIEND or so he says. hes fucking screaming being like who the fuck are you blah blah… so i jump up crab the closest thing i can which was my shirt and boxers. he chases me into the living room and throws me up against the wall, because im trying to cover my nuts and only using one arm. he starts yelling who are you thats my girlfriend what the fuck are you doing here etc… then he starts throwing punches which i dodged all but one (i think thats why my ear hurts lol) i couldnt hit him back because im holding him with one arm and my nuts with the other. i kept yelling dude im trying to leave… thats what you want, i didnt fucking know she had a boyfriend. chill the fuck out. so he throws me out of the apartment (after 5mins of drama)… naked… lol… so i put my boxers and shirt on and start pounding on the door saying give me my wallet and phone and im fucking gone…

they scream at eachother for maybe thirty minutes. the only point i started to get nervous was when he was saying im calling my buddies their on there way… which would have sucked. so finally he comes out and says “get the fuck on the roof”“im not going to hit you, i just want to talk and not wake the neighbors”… i didnt believe him but against my best judgement i went up stairs… soon as we get out side and he says “i just want you to know you ruined my relationship weve been dating for nine months"yelling"shut the fuck up you mother fucker” etc etc… finally the girl comes onto the roof with all my shit and gives it to me … i talk my way off the roof back into the stairwell (somehow) and out the door… granted i didnt get my shoes or sox back but really who cares at that point. i caught a cab and was gone lol

-note i would have kicked my ass too… definitely
-note i didnt know she had a boyfriend
-note im still alive :mamoru:

names not needed.

Usually I don’t read these monster posts but this is quality…


Add some spaces and its an A++ read!

Do i know said parties involved?

This reminds me of the fucking in the common room at Potsdam University incident as well as the Town Ballroom take me home, don’t mind my ex boyfriend sleeping on the couch and waking up halfway through the night with ANOTHER ex boyfriend standing over me as i slept incident.



and yeah it was insane…

OH, this was in NYC. I thought you meant the City of Buffalo. :roflpicard:

her name ashley?

seriously… lol

o NYC …

small world LOL

it was a random girl. and no… it dose not matter

" he chases me into the living room and throws me up against the wall, because im trying to cover my nuts and only using one arm" Ahahahahaha



reasonable recovery. live to fuck another day. all is not lost

Dude should be thanking you for uncovering a whore.

I’m gonna post up her pic if you don’t

you can’t tell this story without posting up a pic.

plus, she’s def atleast a 9.5 maybe even 10

pics ftw

I think he MAY be on the plane ride home. i should post the pic of the girl… but he may be extremely pissed.

so just delete it when he gets home, text him now, and he’ll text you back

duh :wink:

best post in a wile :tup: :tup:

Worst post I’ve seen all day. :tdown: