slowmaro vs darstar race

didn’t happen but we booth admitted i would of won…but since i didn’t bring the v6 i lost bye default



u sissies…

translated booth=both bye=by

benchracers :scared:

you couldn’t even back up 10 feet without staling 4 times :asshole:

i think it was 5

but the race was supose to be booth turds

The Maxima would have raped the Slowmaro. nuff said.

the shit flys when you leave the state


I showed up…

i was there also…you didn’t want any of the car…also the i could of gotten the sleeper and met up on 28 :op: :stick:

I really didnt care man… How worked up can one really get over racing a Maxima and a V6 Camaro?

take it to vags :booty:

go back to :finger: :stick:

you could time that race with a sundial, we can throw sunhawk in for good measure :slight_smile:

the only street race done legally since we cant get over the speed limit