Anyone ever go to the NASIOC meets @ the mills?
WHAT no when are these
cool i didnt realize how many gen’s of subys there are
I am up there alot and have seen alot of nice Subarus. Nice turnout for this time of the year.
wait till the winter meet its gonna be nucking futs
Looks nice Morgan. What happened to the GC? I’m definitely digging the wagon though!
got hit by a drunk driver and it got totaled if i could find that kid again its :reloading time
I went to a suby meet at QSNL about 3 years ago with BJ. From looking at those pictures it still looks like the same people show up. thats crazy.
Ahh I would be pissedd, sorry about that! Insurance come through for you? At least you still got your Suby. :bigthumb:
I love the older Suby. (red wagon) you don’t see them much and it seems to have a nice flair to it.
First wed. of every month at QSL at the Mills…
there is a meet the same day as the QSL meet in Robinson, at the Mills?
Say what?
we’ve been meeting at QSL in Robinson the first Wednesday of every month for about 5 years now. We get a pretty big turnout.
hmmm id get to one of those if i could get some work done to my car…
perry i dont know where you got the mills from but the ones you went with me to were deinfintily at robinson.
lol nice ok well the car goes in to the shop monday so hopefully by wednesday itll be out