Snapped some pics of Final GTS' viper.

  1. From another part of the world; foreign: exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse. See synonyms at foreign.

  2. Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:41,topic:31789"”]

  1. From another part of the world; foreign: exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse. See synonyms at foreign.

  2. Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange.


  1. dancers in canada


Holy Fag-Mo-Tron


yup. What a great way to ruin the lines on a car with a fucked up paint job. That kind of mural looks good on the flat side of a bus.

No sense of style…

I think all vipers should come as level 7 dungeon masters from the factory, and all 300zx’s should have have as level 4 dragon slayers

haha thank you pass…silly cuv thinking words only have one meaning


  1. dancers in canada


ROFL at the diarhhea smiley.



wow man you really have NO sense of humor at all do you?


it could be that I dont really think its funny… Not that I am all that bothered by it, just didnt really see the point in saying it was mine.

I also guarantee their is at least one moron on this site who read the first post, is new, and now thinks I own that car.

Oh well…

[quote=“Final GTS,post:47,topic:31789"”]

it could be that I dont really think its funny… Not that I am all that bothered by it, just didnt really see the point in saying it was mine.

I also guarantee their is at least one moron on this site who read the first post, is new, and now thinks I own that car.

Oh well…


i’ll bet the wizard car not only has wizards, but drives as well! you wish you owned it.

It needs to be parked outside of skybar.




i’ll bet the wizard car not only has wizards, but drives as well! you wish you owned it.


I would drive around a hot-pink barbie-mobile right now until my car is driveable in a couple weeks… So yeah, the Wizard Wagon isnt a far cry.

Hell… I cant even PUSH my car around right now. Not having wheels SUCKS.

So will your car be out in a couple weeks?


So will your car be out in a couple weeks?


I hesitate to even say yes… every time I do, something else gets fucked up somewhere.

IF nobody fucks anything up that I am still waiting on, then sure… it will be out in an N/A configuration. I dont want to lose any more of the summer designing a 1-off blower for testing, so that will have to wait til fall/winter. Only short a couple minor peices… but they are kinda holding me up from doing anything.

Anyone who knows the whole story of the fuck-ups my suppliers have made along the way on this car probably doesnt understand how I haven’t gone postal yet.

I cast Magic Land Missle!

^ lol

[quote=“K Cuv,post:29,topic:31789"”]

Marcus > you


aww dude thats a low blow


[quote=“Final GTS,post:47,topic:31789"”]

I also guarantee that there are many morons on this site who read the first post (are not new) and now think I own that car.

Oh well…




I think all vipers should come as level 7 dungeon masters from the factory, and all 300zx’s should have have as level 4 dragon slayers


I did not think they had levels… but never even played W.O.W