kevin schwantz & wayne rainey? They’re feud was one of the best in sports history if you ask me. That was a true rivalry one couldn’t exist without the other. when Rainey was gone Schwantz had nothing to shoot for.
There is also a decade in MotoGP that just came out a month ago or so.
It was an OK flick to me, I’ve never been a Nicky fan I’ve always seen him as a big douche.:rofl but it is interesting to hear everyone’s train of thought while riding laguna seca.
Funny I grew up loving bikes as a kid similar to Nicky and ewards, but once I feel off my small bike as a kid my mother never let me touch one again. Who knows where I would have been if she didn’t nip it in the butt.:banghead
She also wouldn’t me go trick or treating ether…
She said people would drug me and I’d end up a junkie sucking dick for Smack…:eek3
Come to think of it I had a bad childhood:lol:rofl