Sneak Peak on new Feature

PITTspeed is going to be the official host of all Street Heaters TV shows. They will be streaming from the site 24x7 just in case you missed an episode!

Check it out! You will have to download an Active X component to make the video work. But its a quick install. Let me know what you think of the video and sound quality. Streaming Video is something new to me, your testing is extremely helpful for me!



Very cool!!!:bigthumb:

can you send me a link to the file i need to load. i am a idiot

it will pop up automatically. just hit install!

Options for viewing in Mozilla? The plug-in would not install.

Never mind - had to click the install link manually. The automatic pop-up installer did not work though.

good to know. I don’t use mozilla so I never saw it. Can you give me a little more detail about what you did?


no plugin for mozilla 2.0 :finger2: looks like i will use IE for this

It asks to load the automatic plug in as the page loads. I hit ok and it would not install a plug in and did not find one suitable from it’s own database.

There is a box where the video would be that said I needed Unreal Media player to view the video. In that box there was a link that said Click Here to install the plug in. I did that and it popped up a seperate box to authorize pop-ups. I allowed, and it installed the plug in just fine that way.

I am using and installed it just fine using the link within the box where the video would of been.

awesome! thanks for your help

the link doesnt apear for me…can you send me a link please. it says unknown file

It worked fine for me in FireFox.

Are you clicking where it says Click Here? Did you make sure you allowed

Do you see the area where it says you need the plug in? In that box there was a sentence that said Click here to download (it wasn’t underlined like a link) and I just clicked that. I cant give a link now because I already installed it - now I just see the video appear.