Snky Snky Taffy's meet THIS SUNDAY 29th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thats smiffy. I love you too.

I haven’t owned a car in years. I’m a redneck now… trucks 4TW.

Deciding on bike or truck right now. Probably truck.


Butch, Raven, Joestypebenz, Choda, Badass, Bighands, FMF, Pumice ??? where are you guys?

Aaaahhh man I can’t wait this is gonna be a great meet!

I was in on post 11…

This is going to be fantastic and I will finally have my new suspension on too

Whoa, he still has that accord??

SHOT GUN!!!:fyi:


agreed. good idea sir :slight_smile:

Howie, call jay han and see if he wants to sneak here in your carry on.


My JDM samurai sense. :sword:

I can’t wait to see that thing!!!

i havent been this excited for a meet in a long time

im totally not og enough to go :frowning:


Ill pop in, Ill see of shifty and some others wanna roll in too

how about the viper guys?

Yeah how about the viper guys :tup: