So im watching Napolean Dynamite... AGAIN

tina come get your ham!!!

i like her bangs. :blue:

have any of you watched it with the commentary yet?

its hilarious!

Think I’m gonna rent it tonight. This shit better be good with as much as I’ve seen it being raved over on every BB around :smiley:

When you watch it dont wait for a point or like a direction. If you do its not as funny.

All the better, I like nonsense :smiley:

thens its gonna be the best movie you ever seen :bigok:

Well… I rented it, and thought it f**kin’ sucked shrug

Had a few funny spots, but all in all, bleecchhhhhhhh.

i thought it sucked too. i laughed maybe twice and both times it was at something stupid.

never seen it. Dont plan on it. Whitey’s taste in movies and television sucks.

just watched it again last nite!! my friends said the same thing as starboy…u cant watch it thinking there is some point of something…tehn u will laugh the whole time!!!

LaFawnduh …hahahahaha

alot of ppl hate it the first time, not me. but it gets funnier every time you watch it, so if you hated it. give it another shot

just say it and it sucked ! but then again im not complely drunk yet …