Napoleon Dynamite is the stupidest movie ever made.

I ordered that shit on PPV a couple days ago. Got about halfway through the movie and was so bored with it that I went outside and started cleaning out my car. How the hell can you guys think that crap is funny?

You’re just jealous because i’ve been chatting online with babes, all day

barely gets a smirk, let alone a chuckle or a laugh. that movie is trash. If anyone is thinking about renting it, dont.

It’s funnier to quote than it is to watch.

i’ll agree with that


hey darkstar… gimmie some of your tots

ha! he’s putting tater tots in his pocket! thats so funny! i just cant stop laughing! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!

You wanna see real comedy? Go watch SuperTroopers.

License and Registration, CHICKEN FUCKER!!! > omg im talking to hot babes on the compure

Hey, you have to admit, Kip trying to run over the tupperware to show its durability was funny

and LafawnDuh

no and no. the whole thing isnt funny at all. There are some things that are so retarded they are funny (i consider myself a connisseur of such films actually), but this shit is even more retarded than that. So retarded that is ceases to be funny and reverts back to pure and unadulterated retardedness.

i agree with mike…i havent even seen the movie yet
but am soooo sick of hearing people recite the dumbass quotes

404 Teh Funny Not Found

definitely wildly overrated.

i liked it in a “holy fuck, i can’t believe i’m watching this dumb shit” kind of way.

i love it, you guys suck… mike are you in pitts?

I hated it too… and yes, i’ll second that Super Troopers is quite funny… i’ve always loved Tommy Boy!

i’ll give it that super troopers > napoleon dynamite, but i still love that movie

more you watch it the funnier it gets. I thought it was bad at first because I was expecting too much. More times you watch it the funnier it gets.
Since you left half way you didn’t see the time machine?

Billy Madison

Freddy got Fingered is still the best

Watched a good five minutes and turned it off.

i downloaded it illegally… didn’t watch more than 4 minutes.