Worst movie you ever saw...

Obviously there are a lot of bad B movies, so try and stay away from films like that, most are jokes.

Try to list the worst “serious” movie you ever saw, preferably in a theater, or a movie that would have been in a theater.

Mine: The day after tomorrow. Overall, plot is ok, special effects are ok… But the dialogue is so unbelievably cheesy i find myself LOLLIN, even when i watched it alone. WHAT THE FUCK.

Open water…seriously…wtf

Two people get left in the middle of the ocean alone until they die. Thats about it.

Smokin Aces, it was obviously supposed to be a straight up blow shit up movie but it didn’t even satisfy that genre

The Spirit, couldn’t take it even remotely seriously, it was just goofy, like live action looney toons with a frank miller twist

Donnie Darko, gonna get crucified by a ton of little emo bitches for this but god it was so stupid, kid was crazy, movie made no sense, end.

if thats the worse movie youve ever saw you need to see moe movies.

VAMPIRE CLAN, hands down the worse movie ever, worse than blair witch project. if you dont believe me go rent it for 99 cents.

Its seriously 15 minutes dragged out for the length of a movie. its not even a vampire movie, it was so awful

“The Core.”

Apparently there was a science adviser for the film according to the credits, but from the final product it’s obvious no one listened to a word he said…

lol, I watched part of The Day After Tomorrow today on TBS or something. I liked it for some reason.

Anyway, the 2 worst movies I’ve ever seen were Saw III and The People Under The Stairs.


Also, is vampire clan a shitty B movie that was never in theaters?


Its probably a shitty F movie that someone wrote in high school. I’m telling you its that bad.
It couldnt have ever been in theaters, I’m sure the silver saver would have refused it for free.

I guess its on youtube.


it was “based on a true story” so it was “serious” to someone.

Dickie Roberts

Pootie Tang

Vanilla Sky


Someone see mall cop. Bet that is number 1

The Hills Have Eyes. That movie was fucked. The kind of fucked where I told people to shut it off or I’m going in the other room, and luckily they all seemed to share the same opinion.

ugh that movie was THE WORST ^^

Xfiles 2, suxd

Mermaids…god i almost puked.

Yeah, that movie was terrible. Not in a cheesy way, but fucked is a good way to put it. I liked it, but I’ll never watch it again.

The Descent, Open Water, and The Cube