Worst movie you ever saw...

Jeepers Creepers

<— not emo but I still boo you. that movie was awesome

I’m only 30 minutes into Rightous Kill and it is pretty bad.

Wild Things was just awful.
Con-Air - while I love this movie, it has some of the worst writing ever

Burn After Reading.

Snakes on a plane was pretty stupid but that was the point.

Probably the last highlander movie when it came out (10 years ago)

Dude Where’s My Car?

worst ever

phone booth

The one that stands up out of all the rest: Meet Joe Black.

The only…and I mean ONLY redeeming scene in the movie was when Brad Pitt got mowed down by the car(s). I ran that scene back a half-dozen times and laughed. And then shortly after, turned it off.

Devil’s Rejects. Shit was like a 2 hour dose of SG crew. It just made me feel dirty, I had to shower after.

Worst I’ve ever seen at the theater: ALI. Here I think I’m going to see a movie about boxing and I’m sitting there watching civil rights shit the whole time.

Man, i thought the devil’s rejects was AWESOME. I’ve probably watched it 20 times, no joke.

oh that’s a good [bad] one too!

Was 'Vulgar" ever playing in theaters?

I do not look at clowns the same way anymore…


When Will arrives for the party-- wearing stockings, garters, clown makeup, and a trench-coat-- he is attacked and brutally beaten by a middle-aged man, Ed, and his sons Gino and Frankie. The three men then proceed to gang rape Will, taking turns videotaping the attack

Oh shit. Yeah, the only reason I sat through that was because Kevin Smith is a god to me.


The Pink Panther (the new remake with Steve Martin). Had to turn that one off after about 30 minutes.

I won’t even start to watch that. I like Steve Martin just fine, but there was only one Clouseau, and that was done by the genius Peter Sellers.

Scarface… The acting is ok but I just cant take the unrealistic nature of what so many people call a “classic”

The Adventures of Pluto Nash

Im not a Darko humper or an emo kid, but if you dint understand this or it huwted your brain, your clearly on a much lower level than the movie.

All the Matrix movies

hmmmm… there are a lot of bad ones.

as for just cringe inducing douchy-ness, I’d have to give it to ‘The Fast and The Furious’… it’s almost embarrassing to watch.

For a shitty movie thats supposed to be good, I’d have to give that award to either ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ or ‘Twister’

or batman 2