So kramer proved he is as retarded as pete and murdogg

Next person that posts is getting fucked in the ass with a roll of quarters.

Wait so you are telling me you are going to the bank to wait in line to change a 10 dollar bill for a roll of quarters?

That is exactly what is going to happen, and youre gonna love it, cuz your a HOMOOOOOOOOOOOO:rofl

:ohnoes :rofl

and then wasteing the ten dollars by shoving it up someones ass…:rofl

Lmao good times

Dude, that movie never gets old :lmao

Everyone, There is going to be a parade going by Z28LT1Rocket’s house at random times late at night, any night.
Beeping, firecrackers, burnouts, arooga horns, noise makers, and any other variation of noise is highly encouraged.
Also, BRIGHT flashing lights are also encouraged.

-George Gromley



That post was 100% serious.

thats okay bub… Im in a good mood for some reason… maybe the fact that summer classes are done in 5 days!:ponder:ahh

4 days Dr. Degenerate

Some brave soul should lead the police on a high speed chase doing laps through his neighborhood.

wait… so now it doesn’t matter if noise/lights are in front of your house? :facepalm

oh, and joey, + rep awaits you if you post a Microsoft Paint-modified Google Images screenshot of cameo’s street/house, along with the one you made for the illegal body shop :lmao :lmao

I am going to swing by on my daughter’s trike, and ring the bell! Whatca gonna do CaMe0?



FUCK I try reverse sphycology and say I dont care and people still nag :wtf

So when is the fire works display?
