yah so about 9:40 pm today kramer was driving his moms minivan. drove by my house 3 times and every time he passed by he honked.
very cool in the fact that you woke up 2 other neighbors of mine.:shifty
secondly you think this is hysterical,:wierd but dont worry I dont get even I get revenge:evilking…
so next time any asshole drives by:Idiots whether I know 'em or not you better watch:wierd out cuz its gonna involve something more than me telling you to “stop it jackass”…
I have it well thought out, so I encourage any next contender to do so:bowdown… have fun with the riddle:thumbup.
fuck off, kramer can do what he wants -1 for you dill hole
How come you can spell “hysterical” and not “riddle?”
cool he certainly can, I said it wont be so funny next time and im not leaking any 411!
Last edited by Z28LT1Rocket; Today at 05:40 AM. Reason: fixed reddevil !
I dont need to explain it just happen to who ever does it next…
as long as your revenge doesn’t involve physical damage to myself, my car, my house, or my property, i’m all for it :rofl
harmless fun = win
oh, and i drove by 4 times
and who is sleeping at 9:30 on a saturday night??? :facepalm
not really when I live in a peaceful developement and have random people do dumb shit to me, when I dont do it to them. Like blow horns at night for no reason, during the winter drive up un the snow bank in front of my house, do burnouts (one wheel peels) for 10 seconds randomly and leave, list goes on.
Yet, I refuse to do that to them, because I wont bring myself down to there level of immaturity!
and all i’ve ever been involved in is honking horns :lmao
i do burnouts in front of peoples houses also .im not immature at all
honking horns and messing around = no need for “revenge” or making a call out thread on a local forum :lol
by the way how’d you know it was me? i had like 5 people in the car too :lmao :lmao
Laugh now, cuz next person wont be.
funny, as I have to explain to my family every 3 weeks on who that “jerk” is. doing this and doing that and what he did that for and dont your “friends” have anything better to do so… Im starting to doubt who my “friends” are…:retardclap
done with playing games… doesnt matter who it is, I was going by the vehicle, so if pe-wee hermans in your car you better refrain him from doing something stupid!
BTW this ISN’T a callount rather a warning to the multitude of idiots out there. they know who they are…
you are just now gettin that cameo ? granted i dont know ya all that well ya seam ok but ya deal wit a lot of shit …granted ya say and do some dumb shit also but ya do get a lot of harrasin lololol
nah just joey,s and a few others on here:lol
everyone gets the same amount of harassing, cameo’s just the only one who complains about it non-stop
i had a bunch of kids light off a road flare in front of my house a few weeks ago, 4 or 5 of my neighbors were outside trying to figure out wtf it was, but do you see me posting/complaining about it? no. it was funny.
it’s all in good fun, please don’t make a fool out of yourself by doing something wayyyy over-the-top in “revenge” for me honking the horn a few times in front of your house :facepalm