So, Other than Dan........

well lets go!

Gym sure helps out when u shove those wings down ur throat fatty :rolleyes: :finger:

Mods blow…

Ill be there

Fico, who doesnt miss a meal, and it shows

Wings sound good. Maybe I’ll hit Sud’s & Spuds tonite.

FYI - This thread is in reference to Quaker Steak & Lube wing night.

is is every tuesday night?

yup. It’s something like 7:30-11:30

:frowning: I’m stuck at work as usual

ill be there…fico ill bring your movie



looking like a decent turnout

maybe thursday.



great i cant wait wings and porn!!!

fico, who doesnt use lotion, he uses BBQ sauce

Chicken and porn?

And, ewwww.fico, ewwwww… TMI brother.

damn it I have a adult league game!!! How ghey!

dan you fucking loser!

fico, more like fucking a 17 year old

Poooooop. We scored twice on you :rofl: