So you like Water with lemon at dinner?

do you brush your teeth?

if so, then you’re eating shit.

fecal choleform bacteria?

ding ding

I don’t get how this is to health nut posers who are “getting what they deserve”? Like other people said, most restaurants do this. That’s probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. So I guess if I didn’t want to drink pop with my dinner, I’m a poser? Good logic. Maybe people like their water with a little natural lemon flavor.

When’s the last time you got sick from drinking water with lemon? Seriously. You know what, you’re probably too busy sucking down your highly caffeinated pepsi-cola that’s packed with nutritious
value, so it doesn’t matter.

soda, not pop. wtf is pop?

Soda pop!

This study should be published in the Captain Obvious Journal under the title of “Bacteria is on everything we eat”

So should: People who drink water are fagz.

Another wonderful episode of When threads backfire…

I hate you health nut-posers that like this, now you get what you deserve!!

fuck you all.


LOL, your Ecock is throbbing again little lady. Cant wait for meets.

Ooo… whats gonna happen at the meets?

meet us there, lover.

More like:


and btw cocksucker, whens the last time you seen me? 5 years? retard.

get in line. :picard:

Sorry you got a stupid tattoo, your wife left you, your car is still broken, and slow…

That sums up your past 5 years…

You’re 30 something…Don’t come on here and make worthless threats…go do something with your self before you fuck your life up worse.

holy ownage

your going to fight all these kids over ecomments. no offense but i hope your super man because so far its 3 on 1
