So you're driving down the Interstate...

…and you’re following this:

Not a photoshop either. It’s real.

What in the hell??

bwahahahaha thats awesome!

new background

:lol: creepy

Can i get a high res please!!!

I’d need a giant sign that said FUCK YO COUCH.


Holy poo, I need a full-size of that one.

I found this funny too. Working on the hi-res of original.

hahahahahahaha id love to see that

700x525 is the biggest I can find.

dude, your avatar is fucking great! :lol:

[Eddie Murphy] hehh heehh hehh [/Eddie Murphy]


There has to be a high res… Please.

Is there a giant transvestite hooker on the trailer in front of it?

Brilliant PR for his new movie.


omg that’s so weird, I saw something like this on the way home on the 290 today…