Sombody majorly vandalized the maize...

Somebody stole two of the quads we had on display from Bob Weaver, hot wired them and drove them straight threw phase one of the maize. if anybody has any idea whtsoever as to whome did this please for god sake let us know. phase one is trashed. the cops are completely useless, they came up and wouldnt check anything out because they “did not want to get their shoes mudy”. then said “its only a corn field, whats the big deal”. the big deal is this is the owners livlyhood and its massive destrcution of property. Again any info would be great. thanx guys.


:tup: to fucktards and lazy pigs

Sorry to hear that

damn that sucks, sorry to hear

i really wanted to see the maize this year :tdown:

i find it disgusting that the cops had a “its just a cornfeild” attitude …

EVERYONE knows that the maize is a tradition

sucks even worse that the quads were stolen to boot

its was a 2005 yamaha grizzly 400 and a polaris 330. the maize is not ruined, but there atre 2 4 foot wide paths cut straight threw phase one.

which wheeler is still missing.

damn i feel like an asshole, because at first i kind of chuckled when you said they drove right through the maize… damnit thats kinda funny, someone was furious that they couldnt get out so they made their own escape :wink:

but then once you said the owners livelyhood depended on it, well thats a different story. if they need any help like straightening the stalks ( do they do that? ) let me know, ive gone every year and will do any kinda help when it comes to labor

thats a little extreme

not my words, his

Shit that sucks.
On a side note, i have a 2005 yamaha grizzly 400 and a polaris 330 for sale.


Not funny, but it is :lol:

I know the owners…

losing phase 1 will not kill them.

^ okay, then i retract my offer of providing assistance =P

Tee Fucking Down

that’s too bad :tdown:

a lot of funny stuff in this thread tho :lol:

no but its a major kick in the balls for all the hard work we put into it, of all the people on this forum u know what im tlaking about. the money from the maize goes twards feeding the animals for the winter, its madd expensive.

The maize keeps growing in popularity each year. Very impressive. I don’t know why people do this shit :frowning:

i know… but lets not exagerate… thats all I’m saying.

Jack, is your life in shambles now? Do we need to get you a therapist?

people like destroying good things.