Some Car Videos

ohwell sucks to be them :rolleyes:

guys… the codec isn’t the easiest to find… howver it’s out there… just type mpeg2 codec in google or something and find it…

i’ll try to find it tonight when i get home for you all… i just don’t wanna search around pirated sites from work…

Originally posted by turbovw18
guys… the codec isn’t the easiest to find… howver it’s out there… just type mpeg2 codec in google or something and find it…

i’ll try to find it tonight when i get home for you all… i just don’t wanna search around pirated sites from work…

All I needed was the name of the codec thanks :slight_smile:

in soviet russia, the codec download you

Just watched them. Very cool vids :slight_smile: The car sounds awsome, now get it tuned and turn up the boost :slight_smile:


Originally posted by Hwilli
Just watched them. Very cool vids :slight_smile: The car sounds awsome, now get it tuned and turn up the boost :slight_smile:


Thanks man… ill let u guys know as soon as it hits the dyno!

Originally posted by SP71Supra
Sony DVD Handycam

Thanks Guys :bigok:
thats the camera we were thinking of getting
how you like it and what did it cost i seen them at bestbuy for around 800