some one hit by a train tonight in lancaster

that’s a good way to get ahead in life

where he’s going… they don’t need roads

/back to the future line

remember when the back to the future used the locomotive…swweeet


Always mind boggling for me to read this shit…sometimes you also hear deaf people walking the tracks and getting plowed. Why the hell would be on the tracks if your deaf anyways. Trains have lights too, it’s not like you can see the 457659089 ton piece of machinery coming at you. I dont get it.

i guess he was on the wrong side of the tracks

i heard he was training to become a cage fighter.

i heard the girls on the train had newwwwds and the poor little guy just wanted to see

I have no sorrow for anyone who is hit by a train…

I can’t remember what comedian said it best… i think ron white…

“okay… if you are ever in a situation were you are about to be attacked by a train… here is what you do…now watch closley…” :as he steps to the side:


i heard he was training to become a cage fighter.



that would suck to get all fucked in the face by a train like that

i heard he was walking home to run train on his wife…


i heard he was walking home to run train on dawn.


edited FT.:ohyeah:

well i found out where the guy hit is a bout 15 seconds away from my friends back yard so tonight or this weekend were going to get drunk by where he got hit… i guess there has a been a few people hit right in the same spot a few years back


well i found out where the guy hit is a bout 15 seconds away from my friends back yard so tonight or this weekend were going to get drunk by where he got hit… i guess there has a been a few people hit right in the same spot a few years back


so wait…it’s a regular thing that people get hit here…

and you also plan on getting drunk there?

paging darwin…please report to your desk, call waiting on line 1 for you. Darwin? to your desk please…call on line 1.

maybe he was going to put um on the glass

its not a regular thing but my friend has lived there all his life and has heard or seen a few people been killed right around that spot… its almost behing st. marys high school
too soon?

heh… my friends brother was throwing rocks at a train when we were kids and ended up having one bounce back and hit him square in the face, knocking out all of his front teeth.

if that isn’t karma telling you something, I don’t know what is