some one hit by a train tonight in lancaster

was sitting here watching tv around 9 15 and lancaster po po went by doing over 100 kind of odd about 4 cars i knew something was going on 10 o clock news says some one got plowed

are you drunk lol?

uhm no are you

talk about choo choo, damn and I felt bad for some of the girls ive seen get plowed…

guy died

Name? Link to story?

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:5,topic:37167"”]

guy died


Oh Really?

Train > Guy

it doesn’t really say much…


Oh Really?

Train > Guy


actually train = several guys :frowning:

too soon?

hmm good story

Im drunk.does that count?

damn thats shitty :frowning:

that im drunk or someone got hit by a train, i dont feel shitty.

that probably didn’t feel all that fabulous. was he in a car or just chillin?

(Lancaster, NY, October 18, 2007) - - A man is dead after being hit by a train in Lancaster Wednesday night. It happened shortly after nine o’clock off Aurora Street near Broadway. Investigators say the man was walking on or near the tracks when he was hit. Authorities are not releasing the victim’s name. Norfolk Southern Railroad and Lancaster Police are investigating the accident.

thats from WIVB’s site!

i bet he was leaving the hill top

ok time for silly puns…

i dont think his life was on the right track

He really got railroaded on that one.

i heard he died while having a train run on him…