Some people...

never cease to amaze me…v. HALLOWEEN!!!

worst part is…


anyways, i got a pretty good laugh out of it. there were people taking pictures all over the place.

lol wtf

seriously, who was it? i know your on here… :squint:


He dresses like that on a regular basis, no holiday needed.

^^^ lol

I don’t mind his passion.

Just don’t want any of that crap falling off and onto my car.

that guy is awesome, every holiday he makes a hat and decorates his car like that. He used to come into work all the time


God… imagine if he put all that energy into something productive. :roflpicard:

So does he dress like that for the entire month of october?

we can only hope!

I saw that guy once before working down at buffalo general. He does it for every holiday. I think the funny one was easter, he wore a huge egg on his head, with rabbit ears coming off it.

Something just seems a little illegal about that to me…

thats just fucked up

i think he just avoids driving anywhere above 45 mph.

Meh, I’ve seen nicer decorations, architecturally, I’d like to visit Transylvania someday.

:lol: that actually was a good post of yours. try to keep it up.

lol I saw this guy at Letchworth last year, he looked even funnier then, the jeep hasn’t changed much!

i thought I’ve seen him before and that is were i did.