Some track photos of myself

Pics were taken by either my gf, or two other dudes that were official photogs for the events I were at.

New Hampshire Motor Speedway:

Watkins Glen (random photog)

Pics the gf took @ WGI:

Any passenger in the car would by my friend Alex, who was also instructing and co-driving the car.

I want to shoot a car on the track at WGI.

Car looks great out there, how’d you like the track? Looks like it’s well kept and the nascar section is definitely cool :tbu

Wow, the gf got some good shots! Also, I love how beefy the fronts tires are/look

i want to make sex with an e46 m3 one day… badass pics for sure

Looking good man. Let me know how those toyos work out for you!

Nice! Heading to NHMS myself this weekend. :slight_smile:

I love Watkins Glen more than any other place I’ve been. New Hampshire’s not too bad, pretty fun, but it’s not well “groomed” and is bumpy as fuck lol.

275s front and rear is the hot setup.

If you weren’t such a bitch and actually went to get experience shooting at a track, maybe one day it’d be possible! LOL

Will do!

Nice! I’ll prolly be going back sometime in October w/ SCDA

I mean actually shoot a car on a race track when no other cars are on it, not stand on the side like an Uncle Bob with a camera as cars motor by.

would you have the driver sit inside with a helmet and pretend hes racing? :lol

keep the poseurs off the track

On #20, she got a few more pictures of that section and it’s interesting as you can see where that S4 is braking, and then how much later I’m braking than him.

He gets on the brakes pretty much at the end of that inside tire wall and holds them until the cone.
I jab the brakes once pretty much at the cone, and immediately start turn in.