the top button= no worky
is it worse that they make mini skirts in that size, or thongs in that size??
that is neither petite, micro, or mini.
no, the question is: how sick is eurodad?
sick as we already knew, or more sick than we can ever imagine???
OMG im blind now
dont u already have one?
Ouch, my eyes are bleeding
WOW your alive!
mr wet glovessssssssssss
thats hot…
I might have to go with the thong…
I don’t think I would buy that knowing what kind of torture it had to go through being put on. Chick def not a size 12 - 14/16/18 Maybe but seriously I am suprised the seams didn’t break out screaming - -
it was a 12 when she bought it, now it is stretched to a 26.