Someone plz beat levels 19 and 22 and post a screen shot

lvl 9 was a bitch

solved 12 but i can’t find where the screenshot saved itself on my work computer lol

got to 16 and stopped before i get busted at work. It should be the Prt Scr button to take screenshots right??


Print screen - paste in paint

LVL 12:

anyone beat the game? i’m stuck on lvl 32

lvl 32: can’t figure this one out

HA, got it no thanks to yooz :mad:

stuck on 33

im on 34 right now, post what 33 was and i’ll try to remember

dammit, have to leave work if someone solves lvl 34 screenshot it

I’m on 32 but I still couldnt get 19 anyone have any hints I Wana go back before I go any farther

yea steve 19 was kind of weird… i took a break from it

I’ve got screenshots for 33, 34 and 35 now, if anyone wants me to post them.

Edit: … and 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40.

Level 34:

post 34 cuz its pissing me off

Level 34:

this game is sweeeeet…