Something, Something, Something Dark Side (New Family Guy Star Wars)

The DVD is out 12/22, but it’s already floating around the internet.

Watched it Monday night and it was pretty good. Not as good as Blue Harvest IMO though. Still some good laughs.

^Warning… trailer contains too many of the funny parts.

I downloaded it the other day and am waiting to watch until this weekend

I DL’d it and the first 10 minutes are great. (that’s all I’ve had time to watch)

These spoofs are really well done

awesome didnt know this was coming out, why are all of the family guy seasons in full screen i hate watching full screen movies on a widescreen tv

I think it is going to be aired on Sunday as well if I heard the commercial correctly…though I wasn’t paying full attention

buying the BD on the 22nd… lunch party for the nerds at work :slight_smile:

only $19 for blu-ray not a bad price

The detail they put into their parodies is out of control, I can’t wait to watch this. It’s going to be on this sunday too? Anyone know what time? Probably like 7-8ish maybe…

Link to torrent

i watched it, it’s funny, as usual. Joe as the cripple-droid made me laugh pretty loud

It’s episode 20 of the current season so it’s not going to be on TV for quite a while.

damn i was hopin itd be on hulu

Robot Chicken’s loyal fan base, all 42 on of them?