Sonic in Pittsburgh

So apparently we’re getting 15 Sonic restaurants in the Pittsburgh area, and the first one is going to be in the Mills, according to Channel 11 news.

Now maybe all those Sonic commercials we see on Comcast will be advertising a food I can actually go and eat without crossing state lines…

Sonic FTW, Mills FTL.

I hope we get one in Monroeville. If they’re putting in 15, I think it will be one of the locations.

Sucks to be you :slight_smile:

I hope the food is actually good and not a let down

I’m in New Sewickley Twp, so I’m hoping for a Cranberry location. I couldn’t see why they wouldn’t put one in Monroeville.

Thumbs down to paying turnpike fare to go to Sonic.

The Mills is such a waste of a trip…

It’s about time we get a Sonic. I hate seeing those commercials at 2 AM and not being able to go get something.

mmm sonic is very good…but it also fun to go too as well.

the mills do suck… but, as far as sonic goes the food looks great There all in eastern pa though :frowning:

I liked Sonic. Layout, food, everything. Glad to see they’re finally coming here.

horray for sonic

monroeville ftw… hopefully.

Their food is awesome. I hate there all the time in the south. I am stroked we are getting one up here. :hsdance:

15, that means there will be at least 2 in Robinson

living near the mills ftw

mills = biggest waste of time/effort/money EVER!

I heard the Lucky Strike closed already?!?!

Yea its already getting replaced with the Dingbats and the seafood place that were down in fox chapel. I can’t see why Lucky Strike didn’t do good, I mean doesn’t everyone charge 5 bucks for drinks? :jerkit: I like the mills, but I’m 10 mins from it so yea lol.

Back to Sonic, never ate at one but I’ll definally try them once they get here!

lets not add to the list of closing in the mills mall. Half the stores are gone, the mini glow in the dark putt-putt. Not to mention the back out of the Nascar experience thing.

Jerrys > sonic

NOT EVEN CLOSE…Jerry’s service sucks, and it take forever to get food.