Sony 46" Grand Wega LCD TV

No Longer for Sale

Thats alot of money for a 720p rear projection tv

^^^ agreed

You can go out and get a 1080p 46" LCD with 3-4 HDMI for around that price, and not have to worry about a $400 lamp dying soon.

x3… too expensive for being that old, used, etc

make an offer then…

It’s a great spare TV for a bedroom or out in the garage or whatever. It looks really heavy also but is less than 60 lbs. I carried it and set it up myself.

bump…anyone? make an offer

May have an interested party, will update or pm, when i know.


^ya what he said. I’d give you $260

I know he’s already been offered $400 on Craigslist.

he should take it and run… seriously…

more than likely a bogus offer. but if real sell it and change your cell number :slight_smile:

$400…cash out. That’s like hitting the jackout on a slot and keeping the game going.

Yeah, If he got an offer of $400 he should be jumping up and down. I think the most realistc price would be 250-300.
But its his tv and GLWS.