Soo I feel like this needs to be discussed here, Economy's taking a huge shit?

Wtf is going on, WaMu just got bought by JP Morgan/The US gov?


So is all that’s going on really pointing towards a depression?

This guy seems like a toolbag, but his scale kind of puts everything into perspective.

…or is this just part of our financial system’s cycles, 1987 was the last time something like this happened, but first the Lehman brothers, now WaMu? Is this not one of the biggest market ‘struggles’ in our history?

Idk, this is the first time I’ve been conscious of something like this, and it kinda scares me. I like money.

nice sig

and yes our economy sucks dick its not hard to realize that

Yeah, it’s ‘sucked’ for a while now, but this is big shit man…idk

yea true, thats why you invest is blocks of gold and silver sonnnnnn

so I just realized that that article is from February. Which makes it kinda eerie that the 5 levels of economic downfall that Beck derrived from that guys statements are so far 3 for 3.

That’s why I posted it. :sad

Ive listened tO Glenn Beck on the radio. Hes far from a tool bag IMO.

Yes we are in for a ride. Here is the really scary part though:

Our market is based on a Free Market System, this system regulates supply/demand, basically our ability to run business with little to no govnt. intrusion.

And this is just speculation on my part but I see the FMS as being extremely vulnerable to change right now. Hopefully government does not use this window to take control of the way we run and operate business. You think we pay enough in taxes and that prices are high now? Wait till the day they take over business freedom. If that happens we are basically screwed. They can tell us how much we can make or at least put a cap on that amount, etc etc. Not good.

only good thing about the economy now is that people stand to make a lot of money. it wont be a lot of people, but stocks are absurdly low and its time to buy.

This isn’t communist Russia, that’s not going to happen.

I was being hypothetical.

And being hypothetcial again, if government really wanted to take over everything. Who is going to stop them. You? Me? Nope.

Yeah, fuckin revolution! :runaway

thats the one thing that scares me too

im just gonna get one of those large shipping containers, put all my shit with the car in there and ship myself to japan-land
dont you rag on me for posting pikchas! this is releveant

Shits going down hill …


Makes me glad Im already poor! I dont have far to fall if things go to shit lol.

haha yea, but if you were rich you would be better off , 8 bucks a gallon or 80 cents, whats the difference then :slight_smile: