Soooo .. I'm trying to get my car back

many of you on here know my past issue with my old pride and joy (91 Notch) go figure …

i’ve been working on trying to locate her again … and i have a post going over on corral trying to find it for me …

there is the link … if anyone would like to help in the search

I live in Raleigh. I will keep my eye out.

that carfax thing sounds like a good start… i’d do that

already done

Middlesex is just outside of Raleigh. I bet its not really a big town. seems to be a bit in the sticks.

wow, thats one hell of a story man…you’re way too nice of a person man

When I was on his front porch and he handed me $100 I would have knocked him out while his neighbors pointed and laughed

i think if he woulda handed me a 100 bucks i proly would have knocked him out, nice guys finish last that sucks mang

:tdown: live and learn i guess… good luck

i read that corral thread… wow…

good luck

you ass. I miss that car so much. If you look hard enuff on here, there are more pics. I will look when I get home


i miss this car

wow that really sucks man I prob would have lost my cool and knocked all the guys teeth out. But Good luck finding it man. Hope it works out.

I would be in jail. Im in for the road trip to the bon fire that is his house.

i can’t believe you didn’t take as much legal action as possible when it happened

i would own the fuckers house and unborn children by now


I’m in Raleigh twice a month i’ll keep an eye out for ya

WOW. That guy should come home to find his house mysteriosly burnt to the ground. Good luck on the search, looks like a clean Fox. Unless it has transferred owners as a project car without actually being registered, someone should be able to track it down.

good luck man, seriously. a couple years ago my dad and i were in limelight music in east aurora just looking at guitars, we usually just stop and look to kill some time. he was just walking around, when he found his first guitar for sale. the lady said it was just traded in by some kid who said his father died and he had no use for it. my dad knew it was his because his initials were still engraved in it.

he bought it and still has it, i couldnt believe it!

wow, good looking notchback.

I’ll keep an eye out for sure. Also, when I get the chance, I will cross-post this on Maybe some people over there have seen this car around.