sorry about that

had to do some critical updates to php and the board… everything is fine now!

way to go!

WTF, I was bored for 30 min. this is unacceptable especially to the donating members.

fuckin ungrateful ricers



and i had to restart my server… there goes my 35 days uptime number

99.994% uptime the last month… not bad if i do say so myself!

[root@www root]# uptime
08:08:25 up 161 days, 21:58, 2 users, load average: 0.55, 0.42, 0.33

I was going to say “There goes your 33 days uptime”. :rofl:

(I hope it was nothing I did… :hs: )

thats bullshit, I’d rather deal with feature price again. :rofl:

yup you fucked it up again.

amazing how far we’ve come since that freeware php board running off the PSK-RMU server or whatever it was. :cool:

tru… those were the days!

i am going to start to spec out the next server… terabyte array sounds good to me!

i have no idea what that means, but it sounds cool and you’ve never steered us wrong before.

i know the hp san array’s and software :hs:

yeah sonny, i may need some help in the new setup. it won’t be till summer, but i definitely want to do some new things…

take the current server and have it run sql, the other server will be a beefier server to handle the processing.

Using a seperate server for the SQL db includes IP overhead. You would definitely want to go with gigE if you do that.


wow, was the down time long? I didnt even notice it… if you did… you spend to much time on this site.

it was down, 20 minutes i think… i dunno. i spend a lot of time, but its worth it! I think i make some people happy, and i think i am able to help out people. so that means more to me then any amount of money or praise. I just figure this is what i was born to do i guess… build pittspeed!

I meant for everyone one else Whitey lol, its understandable your on here… you do a hell of a job keeping this place in check.

i noticed cuz it was morning @ work :hs: