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o hi smashley

hahahaha fucking creep, are you on the shitter too?

LOL Bathroom posts FTW

oh hey…



Why do the girls that join have to point out that they are girls in the first post? If they could just come here and enjoy cars and making fun of RobHerself/Zong, then we wouldn’t have these 12 page long “newds!!!” threads.

when the work grl is in the name its already obvious of gender. but if every other guy on here was a bit more respectful of women and not always such pervs the “newd” threads wouldnt happen

yea but sometimes we actually get the pix… so i’m all for getting it out in the open right away before i go wasting time talking about cars :gay3:

Hi2u!!! i have pictures of you from the BBQ. Remember we were having fun taking pictures of everything?

This thread is only 2 pages long.

No one gives a fuck about girls on the forum.

If a woman joins a 99% male based forum and doesn’t expect to be harassed, well I think they are going to be in for a big surprise.

This girl likes the attention though, that’s why she is rolling with the punches. Honestly though, I don’t think anyone here would touch her with a ten foot pole.

yeah lol and my fav would have to be the vidoes of the “man-jam” game

You must be new the the world.

except for the 15 people in this thread that already have their cacks in hand

eh shit happens, its ok i’ve started not to just ignore half the posts cuz they’re so damn ridiculous. but whatev


I beat it to her pics, although it wasn’t that easy… you’d understand if you saw her myspace.

what were you looking for when you joined the site?

i’m just curious, not trying to be an ass or anything, but what exactly is your interest level in cars?