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Tool induced thread failure

Dear ashley

XXXl told me th3e rreal story tongiht

thanks for stalking him, good job, please come on here agan so we all can make fun of you!

PS: XXX goin away party > *

LOL, she abandoned this place quicker than a black man abandoning his child

^ funny…

Dear mike

you dont know ashley so dont involve yourself in shit your not part of. those girls sunday said u smell like metal

you really shouldnt be a asshole to all the girls, maybe and i stress maybe some day you will get laid

jesus, I make one drunken post three days ago and you two hop all over my nuts :stuck_out_tongue:

lol sorry. if it makes u feel better jeff did that on his own

no worries, if i can dish it out, i can sure as hell take it :rofl:

id bone her

I always think it’s funny when girls get the 3rd degree about what their reasons are for joining a car forum. I’m as automotively-challenged as most girls, yet I’m here! Who cares why? Who cares what my top 5 dream cars are?

welcome and it’s time to bust this out again

oh i found this one too and it made me lol.

wow you guys need to get laid.

Welcome to the digital world of OMG theres a girl on NYSpeed :uhh::bloated:

this is really sad… a chick pokes her head in the door and you alll shut her like it’s some gay gangbang on this site… christ… how the hell do you guys get laid… or do you have a “Frequent John’s” card from the girls on Lyell ave?

You are too late to pretend to be her friend so you can get laid.

:lol: Fantastic response!

I just ask them if she likes chloroform, and go from there…

One of my favorite pickup lines:
“Hey, does this smell like chloroform to you?”

wow… a girl joins, and within minutes the ecocks start swingin, lubes flyin… and guess what.?!.. in the end, they are all still just stuck sitting with there dicks in hand and a sticky key board…

wa fuckin hoo a girl joined?! lets all bicker an make a 10+ page thread tryin to prove how big our e-cocks are… groupies come an go… she will be no differant

Welcome… good luck… :slight_smile:

She’s long gone. Didn’t make it through the hazing. As much as I don’t condone people being assholes on here, it does tend to weed out the “Hi I’m a girl and have no interest in cars nor anything to contribute but boys that I’m friends with told me to join so I’m here to get attention” type of noobs. Not that we ever have any of those.