Soulive at Revolution hall

Im guessing no one as ever heard of Soulive before, maybe you have, but they are a really talented contemporary jazz band. There will be little or no singing in the show, so the quality of the instrumentals is insane. The key board player, neil evans, plays the bass keys while playing either the hammond b3 organ or the clavinet. I saw them several years ago and they were excellent, so maybe il see some of you there. Doors open at 7, wednesday april 22

Heres some videos if you guys have never heard them < one of my favorites

Soulive is awesome! When are they coming to rev hall, its my favorite local venue, and the beer (Browns) Kicks ass too!

Wednesday night… i dunno how i forgot to put that up haha

Damn wed is rough, I get up at 5am for work everyday, I may have to make the sacrifice though.

yah no doubt… the last time they came to rev hall i was 16 and couldnt get in haha, but i was fucking pissed

After I read the title, I thought you were talking about one of those ‘def poetry’ deals where the nagz get on stage and ‘express themselves’ through poetry:retardclap

haha nah dude

That’s exactly what it is.

Good shit, nothing like a little jazz here and there

The thought of you, on stage, ‘letting your soul bleed’ in the form of poetry makes me LOL inside my head.

Nah…im not a softy/queer like that :lol, but i do appreciate some smooth shit here and there

I know, that’s why it’z teh funniez.

220lb dude cryin on stage:rofl

Although i could go up there and pull a PJB and cry about my mustang! :rofl:rofl

who needs a mustang when you got a sickkkk F-150!!!

well… hopefully il see some of yah there