Speaking of old....... Black_WS6 (34)


happy birthday!


talk about over the hill :slight_smile:

happy b-day

almost time for retirement and an old folks home.

happy birthday :beer:

:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

JackdUp(34), sometime last year. I won’t pick on 'ya, I swear!!!

AARP he we come!

can he get us free coffee at mcdonalds yet?


turned 34 last week, myself. Happy birthday. :beer:

happy birthday! all u old ass 34 yr olds…sheesh

Happy birthday!

Thanks guys and gal. Everyone was saying happy birthday right? Damn these small letters on this computer. Anyone see my magnifying glass?

happy b-day

happy birthday :beer:

happy b-day