speed trap

2nd ave down down go toward hot metal bridge from jail… they already tagged lik 20 cars


OMG i go like 100+ there

did u get a new car?:smiley:

i know… we all do thats why i am posting it… maybe we should have a speed trap section


100 km/h



they always have one there, you gotta look two places, heading towards town the hide back in the corner when it crosses under the parkway and heading out they sit int the drive way of the construction place. I regularly do over 90 on that section, actually i do that about all the way to Greenfield, but not in the day time.

you can’t say they ALWAYS have one there… i’ve been taking 2nd ave in and out of town for over 2 years… never saw a cop.

then again, most of my driving is during rush hours… so :dunno:

well maybe not always but its one of the more popular spots. also beechwood when u get off the parkway.

yea i have been driving that road for over 5 years all times of the day, doing trouble tickets and such and this is the first i have seen a trap like this


crappy pic but you can make it out, so far we have counted 8 cars at a time probally at leat 50 people so far 3 towed away… and one super hot chick in a civic let off

yah, that is a nice road to speed on but i figured it would be a great spot for them to camp at…

damn police… guess they’re trying to get pittsburgh out of debt. sure will have to give a lot of tickets for that one!!

damn police? for the most part i’d say pgh cops are cool about that shit. as much as i speed they only pulled me once and let me go. they don’t give a shit about nothing but talking on their cell phone. some commander is making them do this crap.

id’ say pittsburgh cops are the best cops to deal with… seems like they are more realistic about shit and realize there are better things to worry about… some dumbfuck white trash woman just walked out infront of me on 1st ave one day, in front of a cop, with no crosswalk… i had to stop and she was all bitchy looking… i told her to GTFO of the way and parked… i walked past the cops and they were laughing and said i should of ‘lit her up’

:rofl: funniest thing a cop ever said to me.

is that the road that goes by the concrete mixing place beside 376?

they sit there a lot also they play they play the game with pretending to have a car broken down and get you there flying bye


and they don’t sit there “A lot” if both I and vtecsol drive it daily…

i have seen them play the broken down car game right on 2nd ave though.

not so long ago, cruisin up 376. look over thiers people passing me on that road.
I was doin 60-70 :ugh: