Spiderman robs comic book store

I almost shit my pants seeing this on Fox News



thats kinda funny…to some degree :lol:

people get strange ideas… good stuff…

Beautiful web site. That is one of the nicest news sites I have seen outside of newsvine.com

It still can’t beat Wolverine V.S. Spiderman @ UB in Hochstetter HAll a few years back :slight_smile:


quote from the article
"The man walked into the shop around 11:30 a.m., but store employees thought nothing of a customer dressed in partial costume, reports KCBS-TV’s Suzie Suh.

“He’s wearing a Spider-Man mask, he must like super-heroes,” said Alan Gardner of Dream World Comic Books."




If you’ve ever been in a comic store before, that statement is true. Weirdos walk into the store in full costume on the regular. Spiderman walks in with a Triple Fat Goose in NYC comic book store, no one thinks twice about it. :shrug:

lol i just read that. Wow i remember that vid…it was funny as hell.