Sport Compact Car Magazine..... Gonzo?

We just got off the phone with one of our sources inside the Source Interlink monolith who informed us that some of Sport Compact Car’s staff was laid off yesterday and that the February issue may be the last SCC you’ll find on newsstands. The death of SCC follows Source Interlink’s execution of Turbo earlier this year, and reports suggest that 115 employees inside the company have been given the boot and more titles could be axed in the future.

Sport Compact Car was the go-to title for gearheads obsessed with small displacement engines, forced induction, number crunching and the black arts of ECU and suspension tuning, with a dedicated focus on down-and-dirty tech, unique reviews, stellar writing and going fast on a budget. Both the page count and circulation numbers have dropped over the last five years, although according to our sources, ad revenue was up and distribution was holding steady.

On a personal note, SCC was the magazine that got this scribe hooked on driving and the finer points of air-to-fuel ratios, provided me with my first freelance gig and inspired me – primarily through the writings of Dave Coleman, Josh Jacquot, Mike Kojima, Andy Hope, James Tate, John Pearley Huffman and Jared Holstein, among many others – to pursue my dream of writing about cars. SCC will be sorely missed and the world is truly a worse place without it.

Hit the jump to see a list of everyone who has made Sport Compact Car possible over the last two decades.

UPDATE: We’ve gotten word that Truck Trend has also been canned. According to our commentators on the inside of Truck Trend, the mag hasn’t been cancelled – it’s being “restructured.”

Source Interlink are Fags and I have no idea what the helll they are doing behind their doors but I’m thinking they are purely money hungry and because of that fact they lost advertisers.

For those who don’t know, SOurce Interlink has THEE highest advertising rates in automotive mags. Motortrend full page ads are over 15Gs a month. I don’t know what SCC ads were costed at but I will find out and post up numbers.

IMO< I think SCC was losing ground hugely to Modified Mag for the past 2+ years. Their issues were getting smaller and the content sucked. Will this mean the Modified is next on the block? They are also under Source Interlink now. I sure as hell hope not. Given that some of their biggest writers left months ago, you wonder what the hell is happening to our beloved magazines.

Here are the advertising rates for SSC…don’t be drinking anything while you read this… 1X, 3X, etc mean if you advertise for X-times that will be the rate you pay per issue. Now I wonder if this could be the demise of the magazine? Greedy Executives?

SIZE 1x 3x 6x 9x 12x
Cover 2 $22,870 $22,180 $21,720 $21,270 $20,810
Cover 3 $21,875 $21,220 $20,780 $20,335 $19,905
Cover 4 $24,860 $24,105 $23,620 $23,115 $22,620

SIZE 1x 3x 6x 9x 12x
1 Page $19,880 $19,285 $18,885 $18,495 $18,095
2/3 Page $14,925 $14,475 $14,185 $13,885 $13,585
1/2 Page $13,265 $12,875 $12,605 $12,345 $12,070
1/3 Page $9,955 $9,660 $9,455 $9,255 $9,060

SIZE 1x 3x 6x 9x 12x
1 Page $18,600 $18,050 $17,675 $17,300 $16,930
2/3 Page $13,960 $13,550 $13,260 $12,980 $12,705
1/2 Page $12,420 $12,040 $11,795 $11,545 $11,295
1/3 Page $9,310 $9,040 $8,835 $8,660 $8,475

SIZE 1x 3x 6x 9x 12x
1 Page $15,695 $15,225 $14,905 $14,605 $14,275
2/3 Page $11,780 $11,430 $11,185 $10,955 $10,715
1/2 Page $10,470 $10,150 $9,945 $9,735 $9,520
1/3 Page $7,865 $7,615 $7,475 $7,315 $7,155
1/4 Page $5,240 $5,100 $4,985 $4,900 $4,785
1/6 Page $3,935 $3,825 $3,740 $3,675 $3,590
1/12 Page $2,690 $2,605 $2,550 $2,500 $2,445

If you want to see what advertisers pay in some of your more favorite publications form Source Interlink You won’t believe you eyes. Magazines make a mint off of advertisers.

Meh, good ridance. The magazine went to shit a couple years back once that James Tate assclown came aboard and it never came back. I’ve been thinking of not buying them anymore anyway.

I’m more upset Sports Car International got canceled.

Sucked since Coleman and Jacquot (sp?) left.

how come there is no PAS

What’s PAS?

Performance Auto and Sound…a gay canadian magazine…I got my free year subscription for putting my car in DTP lol!!!

too crappy to pay for

Super Street is the best magazine…Modified mag was good but now they dropped all cover models and chicks in their magazine period…WTF is a guys magazine without some titties?

I agree, titties are always nice in a car mag. Something is totally fucked with the import market right now when Source Interlink drops their Foundation Magazine and Modified Mag loses it’s key writers…I wonder what is going on? ANd don’t say “the economy” cus this shit has been happening for the past 2 years.

I got a subscription to Import Tuner…It’s ok, it’s got girls, it’s got cars, it’s got ricers, it’s got a few tuners. Also i got a year subscription of “turbo” magazine for 13 bucks, seems like everything these days try to upsell you!